learnvm May 2014
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How to install Windows or Linux in VMware Workstation

Friday, May 23, 2014

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VMware vSphere Architectures Compared

Sunday, May 18, 2014

vSphere ESX Architecture:
vSphere ESX architecture is the virtualization Kernel, referred as VMkernel, it was improved with management partition know as Service console (Console operating system COS) with the infrastructure service agents like name service, time service, logging etc..,

     In this architecture, many customers deployed other agents from 3rd parties to provide particular functionality, such as hardware monitoring and system management. Furthermore, individual admin users logged into the COS to run configuration and diagnostic commands and scripts.

vSphere ESXI Architecture:
In the new vSphere ESXI architecture, the Service console (COS) has been removed and all of the VMware agents run directly on the VMKernel.  Infrastructure sercices provided through modules included with the VMkernel. Other authorized 3rd party modules , such as hardware drivers and hardware monitoring components, can run in VMkernel as well. Only modules that have been digitally signed by VMware are allowed on the system, creating a tightly locked-down architecture. Preventing arbitrary code from running on the vSphere host greatly improves the security of the system.

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How to install VmWare Workstation

Sunday, May 18, 2014
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VMware Workstation

Friday, May 16, 2014

Vmware workstation is a hypervisor which works on x64 Bit computer environment. It enables users to install multiple operating systems on a physical machine.

Note: VMware workstation require base OS (Windows/Linux).  Vmware Workstation will be used for testing or practice purpose only

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History of VMware

Friday, May 16, 2014
VMware Inc is an Amieican  software company, that provides VIRTUALIZATION and CLOUD services.
Founded in 1998, based in Pala Alto, California, USA. In 2004 it was acquired by EMC Corporation 
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History of Virtualization

Monday, May 12, 2014

Virtualization was introduced by IBM (International Business Machines) in 1960 for their Mainframe Computer

Click here for brief explanation

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Top Server Virtualization Platforms

Monday, May 5, 2014

VmWare -- ESXI

Microsoft -- Hyper-V

Citrix -- XenServer

Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization

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Different types of Virtualization

Saturday, May 3, 2014

  • Hardware Virtualization
  • Desktop Virtualization
  • Storage Virtualization

Hardware Virtualization :

  •  "Hardware Virtualization"involves embedding virtual machine software into a hardware component. This process is known as Hypervisor

  • This technology is to consolidate many small physical servers into one large physical server so that the processor can be used more effectively. The operating system running on a physical server gets converted into a distinct OS running inside the virtual machine.
  • The hypervisor controls the processor, memory and other components by allowing several different operating systems to run on the same machine independently. The operating system running on the machine will appear to have its own processor, memory and other components.


Desktop Virtualization :

  •  Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) allows client desktop workloads (operating system, application, user data) to be hosted and executed on servers in the data center.
  • This solution allows you to virtualize Windows & Linux desktops in the Data-Center and deliver them on demand to any user — anywhere


Storage Virtualization : 

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Why do you need virtualization in your organization.

Friday, May 2, 2014
Virtualization is required for more efficient and low cost way of doing business.
For example
  1. Less Hardware > Servers/Storage etc..
  2. Less Space >  Small Data centers with lot of servers(VM's)
  3. Low Power(Current) required.
  4. Lesser number of employees required
  5. Better uptime

Below video may give full clarity.

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What is virtualization

Friday, May 2, 2014

    • Virtualization is a technology which allows multiple operating systems to run on the same physical computer at the same time.

       (Or )

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